Resonant Energy

Reiki | Divine Oneness | Sound Healing | Reiki Training

What if you could spend one hour in deep relaxation in an energy or sound healing session and come out feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your week? Resonant Energy uses several modalities, including Reiki, Divine Oneness Energy, and Crystal Bowls, to help you release that which is holding you back from accomplishing your goals and feeling your very best. Scroll down to learn how you can receive just what you need to be your best, beautiful self. To book an appointment, please visit the Request | Book | Connect page.


As we humans live our daily lives, energy becomes stagnate in our bodies due to the normal wear and tear of our physical and emotional selves as we experience stress, injury and confrontation. The emotional, physical, and spiritual issues that arise in each and every one of us — from this lifetime as well as past lifetimes — can lead to energy blocks. These blockages cause illness, lethargy, and physical pain, and can be found in specific places in our bodies based on the origin of the problem. Medical treatments can provide relief, but only true healing can occur when the spiritual self releases long-held fears, negative patterns, thought processes and notions about ourselves and others. During an energy or sound healing session, we explore attitudes, memories, beliefs, and desires, then release the negativity and resulting problems to allow space for healing. Once these are released, there is room for unconditional love and positivity to bring us to a place of wellness and wholeness. This Divine energy is so powerful that it allows for healing to occur whether treatments are done in person or at a distance.

+ What are Resonant Energy treatments like?

Resonant Energy sessions are custom-created to suit your individual needs and goals. Sessions can be focused on the energy modalities of Reiki or Divine Oneness, incorporate crystal singing bowls and other sound healing instruments, center around an Akashic Records reading, or include some of each as time allows. All treatments can be combined with essential oils, aromatherapy mists, and Oracle or Angel Card readings. 60-minute sessions are recommended, but there is flexibility with timing. We do not need to meet in person; in fact, many people prefer to receive their treatment in the comfort of their own home while connecting via phone or video chat.

+ What is Reiki?

Reiki, pronounced ray-key or /ˈrākē/, gets its name from two Japanese words, “rei,” which translates to universal, and “ki,” which means life force. This universal life force is an ancient, gentle healing art that brings deep relaxation, relieves pain, promotes healing, and guides personal growth, for the sick and for the healthy. Once the Reiki energy is activated and begins to flow from the practitioner’s hands to you, the intelligence of the energy simulates your body’s own innate ability to heal wounds, encouraging a spiritual, emotional, and physical return to wellness. Reiki can be used to treat and nourish humans, animals, and even plants, and is a wonderful complement to traditional medicine and therapy. Some people experience strong physical sensations — even during distance treatments — such as temperature changes or tingling, while others do not. Fortunately, the Reiki energy works regardless of what is felt, and each treatment may be experienced differently. It is intensely relaxing and gentle, leaving both you feeling refreshed and calm.

+ What is Divine Oneness Energy?

The Divine Oneness Energy, originally known as LuMarian or Divine Feminine Energy, is an energy modality that permeates unconditional love at the highest, most Divine, level. Originally channeled through Elizabeth Lawrence in 1995 as a light-filled Mother Energy, is has since morphed to allow for the Divine Masculine Energy to share in its power. The energy takes aspects of the four elements — Earth and Water of the Feminine and Fire and Air of the Masculine — and merges them together to promote grounding, growth, sustenance, abundance, courage, harmony, and peace in each of the chakras. While allowing the Divine Oneness Energy to flow freely, the practitioner uses the energy of the elements to return the client to their Essence: their Highest Self, or the best version of themselves, allowing the Divinity that can be found in each of us to shine brightly. This chakra-based modality is particularly good at releasing blockages and moving energy through to allow our personal struggles to get out of our own way, healing old beliefs and behavioral patterns that are no longer serving us. At Resonant Energy, Angel Cards are pulled to help guide us, and if desired, essential oils and aromatherapy mists can be used to greatly enhance the experience.

+ Are Reiki and Divine Oneness religious?

Although these energy modalities are spiritual in nature, neither the practitioner nor the client needs to be religious to benefit from all that they have to offer. When working with Resonant Energy, you will never be asked to profess your faith or to change your views, but we do welcome you to use any religious or non-religious language during our time together as you are comfortable. However, many people find great peace in the Divine nature of the energy as they connect with a force that is larger than one person. Many find that working with energy modalities assists them on their spiritual journey, bringing them closer to the Divine. There are practitioners who are drawn to Reiki and other modalities because they are searching for the ways in which Jesus and other powerful healers cured others throughout history. When you come to a treatment with Resonant Energy, you are welcome to come as you are, faith or no faith, believing or doubting or something in between.

+ What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is widely considered to be the oldest form of healing and was a predominant part of the early teachings of the Greeks, Chinese, East Indians, Tibetans, Egyptians, Native Americans, Mayas, and the Aztecs. Using human-made tools such as “singing stones,” singing bowls, tuning forks, windchimes, percussion, stringed and wind instruments, combined with the sounds of nature, sound healers tap into the energetic force of resonance to raise levels of consciousness, energize the body, and transmute negative qualities into positive ones. Every cell in our bodies is a sound resonator, capable of responding to any other sound outside the body. Various organs and systems within the body resonate to particular sound vibrations; sound healing techniques organically allow for balance and restoration. Rhythm energizes and stimulates our basic primal energies, stimulates and awakens physical energy, increases blood flow, quickens or slows the heartbeat, and loosens blockages. Melody soothes and alters emotional and mental states, alleviates stress and relieves pain, and cleanses negativity (next time you’re feeling tired or grumpy, try singing your favorite song and see how it can lift your spirit). Harmony is the key to transformation as it alters and transmutes, raises and lowers, adapts and shifts our energies and abilities on all levels, and it allows us to feel unity with all that surrounds us. A combination of intentioned rhythm, melody, and harmony will literally “shake out” and “wake up” your energetic self, clear out unwanted blockages and energy, and allow your body’s innate own ability to heal itself both physically and metaphysically. Sound therapies can help you quickly move from a depressed mood or a lethargic state of being, into a vitalized and relaxed state, feeling more grounded, centered, balanced, and empowered.

+ Why and how often should I have a Resonant Energy treatment?

Having an Resonant Energy session can happen as often as is helpful. Whether it be a weekly, monthly, or yearly practice, your health and well-being can improve. Each session can provide new Divine insights and bring you more into alignment with what your soul truly desires to lead a better balanced and joy-filled life. The more you fill your energetic field with beneficial sounds and energies, the more efficient your body and mind will be.

+ What will my session be like?

When you meet with Cathy at Resonant Energy, we will sit down and chat about anything that is on your mind. What brought you to today’s session? Is there something specific you would like to work on together? Bring as many ideas as you want, and if you have none, that is fine too. We can pull Oracle or Angel cards or use other divination tools to guide us in our time together. After you are feeling comfortable and have had a drink of water, the energy that we will be using will be activated and we will begin the treatment. You may choose to sit in a comfortable position or lie down (either way, you will remain fully clothed). As the practitioner’s hands heat up with energy, the energy will flow through her palms as she places her hands above your energy field or gently on your body as you are comfortable. Crystal bowls may be used to enhance the experience and raise your body’s vibrational level. You may feel relaxation set in, even to the point of yawning, as the energies soothe and calm pent-up emotional tension and stress. You may experience temperature changes, tingling, vibrational buzzing, itchiness, or sleepiness as the energy does its work. You may be asked to take some cleansing breaths and permission to allow yourself to release that which is getting in your own way of being your best self, like worries or regrets or other thought patterns. When the energy is pulled back or the sound is silences,, you will be given the chance to ground yourself before our time is over. At any point, if you would like to change the direction of the treatment, we can be flexible so that you are as comfortable as possible.

+ Do energy sessions complement traditional medicine?

Energy treatments do not substitute for the care of a medical or mental health professional. You will not be diagnosed for specific illnesses nor prescribed medication. However, energy healing complements more traditional treatments and offers aspects of healing that cannot be found in traditional western medicine, and the combination of these practices can provide you with a very beneficial, multi-faceted treatment package. All clients will sign a waiver stating their understanding of this before any treatment can begin.

+ What’s the best way to prepare for a treatment? Should I do anything special after?

There is not a lot that you need to do to prepare, but some find that wearing comfortable clothing, drinking plenty of water, and even going for a walk prior to a treatment can be helpful. After the treatment, you may find that reserving time to sit quietly, meditate, or rest, will help your body assimilate all that we accomplished. The Energy can continue to do its magic for up to several days after a session, and the more you care for yourself and stay hydrated during this time, the more benefits you will gain.

+ How long are sessions and what does it cost?

Sessions can vary in time, depending on your goals and state. Short sessions are certainly possible, but the longer the session, the more beneficial it can be. One hour is strongly recommended for all Resonant Energy sessions, but since Cathy’s passion is to help you find more meaning, healing, happiness, and fulfillment in your life, she is happy to spend more or less time with you to help you feel your best self. Cash, PayPal, and Venmo accepted. Sessions for individuals: $60|30 minutes • $75|45 minutes • $100|60 minutes. If you would like to inquire about a group session, please visit our Request | Book | Connect page and let us know in the Comment box.

+ I would like to become a Reiki practitioner!

Receive your training and attunement in the Usui Reiki tradition in the Hayashi-Takata-Barnett lineage with Master Teacher Cathy Meyer. When you are attuned to the Reiki energy, you will have gain ability to bring healing and comfort to yourself and others. Trainings with Resonant Music & Energy are fun, practical, and will help you achieve your goals of bringing healing to yourself and others. Upon the completion of each class, you will receive a certificate and course materials to help you on your journey as a Reiki practitioner.

Reiki 1: This course is for anyone who is interested in learning the basics of Reiki. In our time together, you will learn the history and principals of Reiki, explore the benefits and ethics of practicing Reiki, learn to scan the human energy field and chakras (energy centers) for balance and vitality, use various hand positions to bring comfort and calm to yourself and others, discuss giving Reiki to pets and plants, learn how to customize treatments, and how to care for yourself in the process. You will receive a mini-Reiki session and receive two attunements that will empower you as an effective Reiki healer. There will also be opportunity to work with other students in the class to develop intuitive abilities and healing skills while building your own network of Reiki practitioners. $125 class | $400 individual

Reiki 2: This class is for any person who has completed Reiki 1 and is ready to enhance their skills and work on a deeper level. In addition to reviewing Reiki 1 techniques, you will learn the three sacred Reiki symbols (known as the “Sacred Keys” of Reiki), which will increase your Reiki power from 20% to 100% (same as at the Master level), open a communication pathway that brings spiritual healing mentally, emotionally, and physically, and learn how to give Reiki to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Incorporating the use of crystals and crystal grids (including how to charge and cleanse them between sessions) will also be covered. You will receive a mini-Reiki session as well as an attunement for Second Degree Reiki, and there will be time to work with other students to strengthen your skills and develop relationships with your peers. $150 class | $450 individual

Reiki Master: This class is for any student who has received their Reiki 1 and 2 attunements and have been practicing Reiki regularly for at least 6 months. This class will raise your vibration to maximize access to the Universal Life Force, teach you the Reiki Master status by teaching you the Master symbols and prepare you to be able to give the Reiki 1 Attunement Ceremony for others. You will also receive the Reiki Master Attunement. There will also be ample time for hands-on practice and improvement of techniques. $300 | $500 individual

Reiki Master Teacher: This one-day class is for very serious Reiki practitioners who are interested in teaching Reiki to others. In our time together, you will learn how to teach both Reiki I and Reiki II classes and attune family and friends as well as more formal classes in a variety of settings. You will receive teaching materials for both Reiki I and II, articles, and inspirational poems. We will also discuss practical details on how to develop your own Reiki practice and teaching studio. $400 class | $600 individual

Reiki Master of Masters: Once you have completed a minimum of four months as a practicing Reiki Master Teacher (teaching Reiki I and Reiki II classes ), you can register for this course. In this class, you will learn how to perform the Reiki Master Attunement cerremony to empower Reiki II practitioners to become Reiki Masters, receive instructions in conducting Reiki Master training classes, have the opportunity to discuss topics of interest to you and have any questions answered. Upon completion of the course, there is a "Master of Masters" customized ceremony. This class is usually taught on a mutually schedule date, one-on-one, either in person, by phone, or virtually. $500


“I could not recommend Cathy highly enough. Her calm presence, her warmth and her wisdom, combined with her deep spirituality offer a true healing experience. She is a healer and a guide for those who are searching.” Alexandra, Retired Communications Professional, World Traveler & Linguist

“Harmony, Joy, and Unconditional Love were all beautiful emotions that were experienced with Cathy’s Divine Oneness/LuMarian Healing technique. She held me with so much grace. I am so grateful to have access to such a beautiful healing practitioner. Her keen sense of knowing is impeccable.” Sandra, Finance/Conscious Entrepreneur